Jacob’s Dream woodcut, Lubeck Bible 1494
A dream not understood is like a letter unopened. -Talmud
All people from all times and in all cultures dream. Dreams can be provocative, confusing, healing, consoling, scary, funny, embarrassing, shocking, and wonderful. Join us for a 6-week discussion group which will introduce principles from the two great Western masters who made the study of dreams paramount in their work: Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung. Led by two analysts, one trained at the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and the other in classical Jungian analysis, members will have an opportunity to discuss both previously published dreams and if they wish, their own dreams.
Limited to 10 participants
Led with Chris Chao, Ph.D. Denver, CO for six Monday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. in October and November 2012